Masonic Symbolism and Disinfo: Unconscious Initiation or Disorientation for the Awakening?

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chaukeedaar's blog

Now here it is: the strongly hyped year 2012. Some pushing its meaning in the sense of a possible Armageddon of any sorts (comets, Planet X, solar outbursts, earth changes, pole shifts), others in the sense of a spiritual or dimensional ascension of earth and mankind or simply the official disclosure of Alien presence. And as I try to show in this article, all of them working to finally implement their long „overdue“ New World Order. They have prepared a global police state and financial and religious world government so hard in the year 2011 that everything looks like 2012 could also be the year they have created enough chaos as to have their new order come out of it like their symbol, the phoenix. The informed among my readers have surely noticed the orchestrated destabilization of the old monetary system, the signing of the Defense Authorization Act by the…

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